Bidang Keahlian :
- Arsitektur
- Perancangan Kota
Riset :
- Perancangan Kota
- Sense of Place
- Socio-spatial
Nama Dosen | Nama Dosen dan penulis lainnya dalam arftikel | Judul artikel | Jurnal (Nama, tahun, volume, nomor, halaman) | Alamat URL dokumen |
M. Dedes Nur Gandarum W | a. Dedes Nurgandarum, Inavonna, Mohammad Ischak (first author) | a. Understanding unplanned settlement structure as a result of self-organization in Jakarta | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019, Volume 8, Nomor 11, hal. 2459-2465 | |
b. Sarwosri Moertiningsih, Dedes Nurgandarum, Otty Nurfanty (corresponding author) | b. Permeability Characteristcs of Unplanned Settlements in Jakarta | International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 03, March 2020, hal. 1999 – 2003 | | |
Sarwosri Moertiningsih, Dedes Nurgandarum, Otty Nurfanty (corresponding author) | c. Sense of Place Dynamics in Historic City Centre of Tangerang | c. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 03, March 2020, hal 2095 – 2099 | | |
Sarwosri Moertiningsih, Dedes Nurgandarum (corresponding author) | d.Physical Setting Significance in Sense of Place Creation in Tangerang Old Market | d.International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Volume 29, Issue 5, April 2020 | | |
Mohammad Ischak, Bambang Setioko, Dedes Nurgandarum (co-author) | e.Tradition Spaces as Indicators of Community Resillence | e.Ecolog, Environment, and Conservation Volume 26, Issue 1, 2020, hal. 287-293 | | |
Mohammad Ischak, Bambang Setioko, Dedes Nurgandarum (co-author) | f.Quality of Life Achievement Through Socio-Spatial Configuration in Open Space | f.International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 18, Issue 19, October 2019, Hal. 3600-3606 | | |
Mohammad Ischak, Bambang Setioko, Dedes Nurgandarum, Willy Arafah (co-author) | g.The Spatial Changes Based on The Economic Activities as an Indicator for The Settlement Integration | g.Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (JMIDS) Volume 22, Issue 3, 2019, hal. 322-331 | | |
Mohammad Ischak, Bambang Setioko, Dedes Nurgandarum (co-author) | h.Conformity Behind The Social and Spatial Segregation in Sub -Urban Area A Case at Gading Serpong New Town Tangerang | h.Tataloka Volume 21, nomor 2, 2019, hal. 361-370 | | |
MK Akbar, Dedes Nurgandarum, Khotijah Lahji (co-author) | i.Criteria of campus exterior spaces in Central Java | i.IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 8 June 2021, Volume 780, Nomor 1 | | |
j.Dedes Nurgandarum, CF Anjani (first author) | Legibility of Building Facades and Imageability of Historical City Center, Case Study: Bukittinggi City Center | j.IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 15 April 2020, Volume 452 (2020) | | |
M Ischak, Dedes Nur Gandarum | The role of mosques in the establishment of place identity in supporting settlement resilence | k. AIP Conference Proceeding tahun 2023, volume 2706, issue 1 | |